Search results for: what's in my briefcase

What’s In My Briefcase – 2015?

It’s spring cleaning time, which for me means it’s time to wade through my briefcase. Within every frequent traveler is the desire to carry everything you could possibly need on the road — to make your briefcase into the road warrior version of Batman’s utility belt, letting you amaze your travel companions by pulling out just…

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Podcast #87 — Sick on the Road; What’s in My Briefcase?

I skipped the Midwest’s “snow-pocalypse” by flying to Phoenix where it was unseasonably cold — in the 20’s and 30’s F — but without snow. It’s been a cold winter and I came down with some nasty bug while visiting Dallas, which reminded me how miserable it is to be sick while traveling. Before my…

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Podcast #190 — My Travel Tech Stack; Imbibing for Introverts

Tracking lost luggage with AirTags; what’s changed in my travel tech stack; talking with Jeff Cioletti, author of the new book “Imbibing for Introverts”, about the art of drinking alone

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What’s in My Bag: Traveling Light But Prepared

One of my annual New Year’s travel resolutions is to “unpack and repack my briefcase.” Some people re-do their closets; I do my briefcase.  I’m always amazed at the stuff that accumulates over the year. Why did I think I needed a half-dozen pens, two sets of earphones, $5 of loose change in three different…

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Podcast #33 – Listener Mailbag, What’s in My Briefcase?

Two trips but no hotels means this episode is recorded in the TravelCommons studios outside of Chicago. Rummaging through the virtual mailbag, I comment on listener e-mails and web site postings. I also talk about finding some free WiFi in Houston’s Bush International Airport and give a guided tour of my briefcase. Here’s a direct…

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Podcast #81 – More Travel Tips; Up in The Air; Security Stories

Coming to you today from the TravelCommons studios outside of Chicago. In this episode, listeners add to our list of “Road Warrior 201” tips for this holiday travel season, I give my impressions of the new George Clooney movie Up in the Air, and gather up some stories about airport security into a Jeopardy-like topic…

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Podcast #78 – Lost in Distraction, Movie About Us

Coming to you today from the TravelCommons studios outside of Chicago, Illinois at the start of what’s looking like 6 weeks of straight travel. In this episode, we talk about the need to have a place to blow off steam after a frustrating day of travel, and how the distractions of cell phone calls have…

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